Business agreement for use of internet application Logeto.

Read this business agreement thoroughly before creating of your account.

  1. Introductory provision

    1. This contractual agreement defines terms and conditions for use of the internet application Logeto at the address https://www.logeto.com (hereinafter the “application“).
    2. The provider of the application is company Systemart s.r.o., Business ID: 25997203, with its registered office at Eliščino nábřeží 298, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech republic, incorporated in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court of Hradec Králové, Czech republic under File Ref. C 19039 (hereinafter “provider“). More contact information such as phone numbers or email addresses of the provider can be found at the web site of the provider: https://www.logeto.com.
    3. The user of the application is every natural person or legal entity which creates an account (hereinafter the “user“). Creation of an account means entering of account name, login name (email address) and password and entering information about the user which will then be used in application.
    4. The application is a service, primary serving to gather and record information mostly about working activities of individual users added to the account of the application.
  2. License Agreement

    1. The application is by definition of Czech Act No. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright and Rights Related to Copyright and on Amendment to Certain Acts (hereinafter “Copyright“) an author's work. Copyrights to the application by the copyright law and by international agreement about copyright signed by Czech republic belongs to the provider. This contract does not grant any provider's trademark rights to the user.
    2. By this the provider grants limited, personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive license for the use of the application to the user.
  3. Rights and obligations of the user

    1. The user has the right to use the internet application in the following ways: recording of people's time tracking, recording of attendance, recording of electronic vehicle logbook, creation of basis for invoicing, creation of overview for salary calculation. Recorded data can be evaluated, printed, sent by email, imported to application or exported from application. Every operation can be done to the extent that the application allows it to do so.
    2. The user undertakes not to use the application in any way that would interfere with the rights of the provider.
    3. The user is not allowed to delete or change any trademarks, provider name or application name from documents generated by applications.
    4. The provider is entitled to deny the use of the application to a user reasonably suspected of violating this contractual agreement.
    5. The user is not entitled to any compensation in connection with the deletion of the user account.
    6. The provider is entitled to delete the account if the user has not logged in for more than 6 months.
  4. Payment for application use

    1. This application and the accompanying services are charged according to the service pricelist provided at the provider's website https://www.logeto.com.
    2. Billing and subsequent invoicing is always back-to-back for a calendar month. The invoice is ready to be downloaded in the application (possibly also sent to email address) at the beginning of the next calendar month.
    3. In the case that the invoice for provided services is not paid by maturity date, the provider can restrict the user's access to the application or temporary restrict services.
  5. Payment methods for using the application

    1. It is possible to make the payment for using the application via bank transfer to the bank account of the provider or via online payment methods. Payment information and online payment methods are listed in the web application.
    2. For the convenience of users, the service can be prepaid using a so-called wallet system. It is possible to transfer a funds to this wallet anytime and to recharge credit by doing so. These funds will only be used to pay for service invoices (see paragraph IV). With sufficient credit, this system ensures automatic timely payment of the obligations to the provider and prevents the user being limited from the service due to unpaid invoices.
  6. Warranties

    1. The provider does not expressly provide any warranty for the application. The application is provided as it stands, without any warranty, whether expressed or presumed.
    2. All risks associated with the use of this application is the user's responsibility. Under no circumstances is the provider responsible for any damages resulting from the use of the application, whatever they may be.
    3. The provider is not responsible for the compliance of the generated documents with the valid and effective legal standards and it is responsibility of the user to make sure they are complete and faultless.
  7. Personal data protection

    1. Information about the method and scope of personal data processing by the provider, including the scope of rights of data subjects connected with the processing of their personal data by the provider is available at the website of the provider http://www.raportpracy.pl/personal-data-processing/.
  8. Final Provision

    1. Creating a user account creates a contract between the provider and the user. The contractual agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time and expires by deleting the user's account. The content of the contract is made up of this contractual agreement. By creating a user account, the user agrees to this contractual agreement.
    2. This contractual agreement may be unilaterally modified by the provider. Modified version of contractual agreement is effective 14 days from announcement about amendment of the contractual agreement on the provider's website http://www.raportpracy.pl/businessterms/.
    3. Legal relationships arising prior to the date of entry into force of the new contractual agreement are also governed by the amended contractual agreement, but the emergence of rights and obligations that occurred prior to the date of entry into force of changes to the contractual agreement will be assessed by the existing contractual agreement.
    4. In the case of settlement of disputes between the provider and the user, the provider and the user agree on local jurisdiction of the court in the first instance by the following agreement: If the district court is competent to hear the dispute, the District Court in Hradec Králové, Czech republic will decide the dispute between the parties. If the regional court is competent to hear the dispute, the Regional Court in Hradec Králové, Czech republic will decide between the parties.
    5. This contractual agreement is effective from 1. 1. 2013.
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